Events & Festivals

Grachtenfestival – Festival of Classical Music

Friday is the start of a very special and cultural festival. It already exists since 1998: the famous Grachtenfestival. This festival is all about music and it offers young musicians from all over the world to share their talent. The Grachtenfestival will start on Friday the 07.08.2020 and ends on the 16.08.2020. In ten days, […]

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Concerts in ‘Het Scheepvaartsmuseum’

Who said there won’t be any concerts during times of Corona? That’s what the management of the entertainment company Friendly Fire thought. Since Corona, usual concerts in halls and clubs are not possible anymore. So, they came up with live-stream concerts from many beautiful places in Amsterdam. Well, live-stream concerts are nothing new to us […]

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Pentecost: Our Guide for tomorrow.

This weekend is going to be longer than usual because the whole family has one more day off. Pentecost is going to be a weekend with sunny and warm weather and we want to share some ideas with you on how you can spend these beautiful days.

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Looking back on Kingsday

Even though Kingsday is already three days in the past, we want to look back on this for us so special and important holiday. As you know, the current situation of Covid-19 was also affecting our craziest day of the year. How Kingsday is celebrated Usually, it is a scenario like this: the whole city […]

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Amsterdam Tulip Festival 2019 and More!

From the 16th century to the present, a flower so beloved that it caused an economic crisis, the Dutch and the tulips certainly have a complicated relationship. Every early spring in Amsterdam, the city hosts an all around tulip festival. This year, the theme of the festival is “for every Dutchman a tulip”. We disagree, […]

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Get a bit fancy this weekend!

Ssssh, come closer… Imma tell you a little secret about some goodies happening in Amsterdam this weekend.  The annual Hotel Nacht (Hotel Night) is happening again. This the ultimate mini-vacation for the culture enthusiasts. Over 25+ high-end hotels come together to host diverse experience. Gin tasting, dinner parties, music nights, poetry & cocktail, Germany-themed beer […]

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Amsterdam Light Festival – Dressing Up the Town!

Amsterdam hosts countless festivals all around the year. But the award for the most charming, has to go to the Amsterdam Light Festival. In 6 years, the festival has attracted art giants like Aiweiwei and welcomed new forces alike, staging more than 200 installations all around town every year. A life cycle of the festival […]

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Kingsday in Amsterdam

Kingsday in Amsterdam!

Kingsday, April 27th is for two years the most popular date in the Dutch agenda. A street event which seems to grow annually and is worth planning a visit around. Special club nights and parties are held both the night before and the night after. However, to gain entree you’ll need to book in advance, […]

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